As you very well know, Sri Lanka is in shock with the 3rd wave of COVID-19 spreading beyond control. We, as Sri Lankan Australians need to do our best to assist Sri Lanka to fight this pandemic.
We, the Sinhalese Cultural Centre with the Sinhalese Cultural Forum of NSW Inc has launched an appeal to every Sri Lankan in New South Wales to donate in the best possible way to respond to this urgent need. The details are provided in the flyer below.
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Urgent COVID-19 Appeal Team
Sinhalese Cultural Centre & Sinhalese Cultural Forum
The Sinhalese Cultural Centre & Sinhalese Cultural Forum Urgent COVID-19 Appeal delivered the second lot of medical equipment (High Flow Nasal Oxygen Therapy Equipment) few days ago. On 3rd of August 2021, Dr Sudarshanie Fernandopulle, Hon. State Minister of Primary Health Care and Epidemics and Covid Disease Control, handed over the equipment to the Kurunagala Teaching Hospital Officials at Ministry of Health. Suwasiripaya, Colombo. Later on 4th of August 2021, the equipment was ceremonially handed over to Dr Chandana Kendangamuwa, Deputy Director, Teaching Hospital, Kurunegala by the SCC&SCF representative Mr Kapila Weerasooriya at the presence of hospital medical professionals and officials (See photographs below).
Dr Sudarshanie Fernandopulle, Hon. State Minister of Primary Health Care and Epidemics and Covid Disease Control, handed over the equipment to the Kurunagala Teaching Hospital Officials
SCC&SCF representative Mr Kapila Weerasooriya handed over the equipment to Dr Chandana Kendangamuwa, Deputy Director, Teaching Hospital, Kurunegala at the presence of hospital medical professionals and officials
High Flow Nasal Oxygen Therapy Equipment from Fisher & Paykel Healthcare in Melbourne, Australia
The SCC and SCF would like to thank specially to Sri Lankan Airlines for sponsoring the airfreight of the equipment from Melbourne in Australia to Colombo. Further, SCC and SCF would like to thank the Medical Supplies Division (MSD, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka) who cleared the equipment in Sri lanka and later registered the equipment in the inventory making sure the future maintenance takes place.
The SCC and SCF would also like to thank Mr Kapila Weerasooriya, who coordinated the equipment delivery to the Kurunegala Teaching Hospital on behalf of SCC and SCF from Sri Lanka.
Finally, the SCC and SCF would like to thank Mr Viran Fernandopulle, Private Secretary to the Hon. State Minister of Primary Health Care and Epidemics and Covid Disease Control , for coordinating the delivery of the equipment to Kurunegala Teaching Hospital.
The SCC & SCF Urgent COVID-19 Appeal delivered the first set of equipment (qty 2 of Bedside Pulse Oxymeters) to Kurunegala Teaching Hospital on 29th June 2021. The equipment were accepted by Dr Chandana Kendangamuwa, Deputy Director, Teaching Hospital, Kurunegala. (See photographs below).
Meditechnology representative handed over the Bedside Pulse Oximeter equipment to Dr Chandana Kendangamuwa, Deputy Director, Teaching Hospital, Kurunegala
Letter of Appreciation for the donation from Dr Chandana Kendangamuwa, Deputy Director, Teaching Hospital, Kurunegala
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
From where did you get the request for help?
Many community organisations in Sydney received an urgent request from the Ministry of Health in Sri Lanka, through the Sri Lanka Consul General’s Office in Sydney, to provide medical equipment to treat COVID patients in Sri Lanka. The SCC & SCF are responding to that request with the great support of the community in NSW. Further, the SCC and SCF has done many queries to find the current status in Sri Lankan hospitals.
What equipment do you plan to send and how did you select?
We received a short list of equipment from the Health Ministry with their specifications. We selected “High Flow Nasal Oxygen Therapy Equipment” (from Fisher and Pykel Health) and “Bedside Pulse Oxymeter” (Nellcor supplied by Medtronics Australia) out of the short list. These equipment will be sourced in Australia from the manufacturer/supplier.
To where do you deliver equipment?
Once the equipment are ready to be dispatched, we will request the Sri Lankan hospital(s) which urgently require the equipment from Ministry of Health in Sri Lanka. Then we will deliver the equipment to the health professionals in the nominated hospital(s), directly from Australia.
Do you deliver only equipment, not funds?
The funds raised through this appeal will only be used to send equipment to nominated hospitals, NOT funds.
If you have any further questions, please email to