The PUAAN Summer Walk 2021

By Mrs Padma Kumarasinghe, President of PUAAN

The traditional Peradeniya University Alumni Association of NSW Summer walk was held on 11 April 2021 after a long break of no community activity.

It was a WALK to remember. The site was none other than the picturesque surroundings of the majestic Napean River. We picked the Tench reserve as the base and combined the walks with the dawn of our traditional Sinhala and Tamil New Year.

Members of PUAAN and friends were welcome. Sixty two of us gathered to extend our friendship and camaraderie on this beautiful day. There were three walks of varying distances for the participants to choose from, all along the riverbank; reminiscent of the great Mahaveli that flow past our beloved University. It was a mind and body feast.

The tired walkers returned to the Reserve for a truly Sri Lankan traditional meal of kiribath/pongul and sweet meats inclusive of Kevum and Kokis all prepared in abundance by the participants. There was the lighting of the traditional oil lamp by all past presidents present, and the current president with the beautiful rendition of the Jayamangala Gatha and Gayathri Mantrum playing in the background giving us an atmosphere of that magical touch.

We wish to thank all those who participated, prepared delicious food; with a special thanks to the few who opted to secure the best venue by sunrise. Nature gave us its best on the day.


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