by Mutual Assistance Society Sydney (MASS)
Mutual Assistance Society Sydney (MASS),a registered charity in New South Wales, has now contributed over Rs 1 million to Sri Lanka to strengthen the mitigation activities aimed at controlling the spread of COVID-19 virus in the country and related social welfare programs. MASS has managed to do this mainly due to the generous contributions received from well-wishers of Sri Lankan origin living in Australia.
Mutual Assistance Society or MASS, as it is commonly known, has been in the forefront of charities based in Australia, helping the economically vulnerable people in Sri Lanka. Over the 15 years it has been functioning, MASS has contributed to the well-being of them to the tune of more than AUD 220,000 (Rs27 million). A few of the projects MASS is involved in are:
- Helping deserving students in their studies up to University level, through a scholarship program
- Providing eye-glasses to thousands of school children from low income families
- Providing eye-glasses and funding cataract operations to the poor
- Funding Clean water projects, especially in areas prone to Kidney disease
- Supporting the health sector by donating urgent medical equipment to Public Hospitals
MASS received many requests for assistance from organisations in Sri Lanka including the Sri Lankan Consulate in Sydney to help the most vulnerable in this hour of need. So far, MASS has channelled their funds through four organisations to four very worthy projects.
MASS contributed Rs 400,000 to Karuna Trust, a reputable charity in Sri Lanka to distribute dry rations and medicine to needy people. Karuna Trust has distributed dry ration parcels to most deserving people who have not received the relief package from the government, in 15 Divisional Secretariat Divisions and the entire Matale District.
MASS also supplied 100 kits of Personnel Protective equipment (PPE) at a cost of Rs 330,000 to the COVID-19 Ward in Homagama Hospital, which is functioning as a centre for COVID – 19 suspected patients. (See attached photos). The hospital needed about 2000 full PPE kits consisting of hair cap, N-95 or KN-95 mask, disposable face shield, surgical gown, shoe cover, disposable coverall and boot cover.
In addition, MASS contributed Rs 120,000 to provide approx. 220 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) kitrs for Health Care Workers (HCW), through the Association of Community Ophthalmologists of Sri Lanka. HCW and members of armed force and Police are at greater risk of acquiring the infection during the interventional activities. There have been many positive cases among them recently. Keeping the health and security work force healthy is vital in combating this epidemic.
MASS also contributed $1000 (Rs 120,000) to Sri Lankan government’s COVID-19 Healthcare and Social Security Fund, through Sri Lankan Consulate General in Sydney. The main purpose of this fund is to provide healthcare facilities and basic essential services to children, woman, low income, elderly and vulnerable people.
Further, MASS also gave medicines to elderly people who could not afford to buy them. Photos of handing over medicine to a few residents in an elder’s home are attached.
You too can join hands with MASS, in these and other similar noble deeds by making a donation to the MASS account given below. Please mention ‘COVID 19’ as reference in the bank transfer. As MASS has Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) approval from ATO, any donation to MASS over $2 is tax deductible.
A/C Name: Mutual Assistance Society Sydney
Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB: 062347
Acct: 10238955
Please include your COVID19 as the reference. Example: John H COVID19″
Web site:
Mutual Assistance Society Sydney (MASS)